Published on September 2, 2005 By just john In Current Events
It has been posed that rebuilding the City of New Orleans is not a good idea. The fact that New Orleans is flooded has nothing to do with a broken levee. New Orleans is flooded because of many years of coastal erosion. We do not have the natural land barriers that were in place even 50 years ago.

The Mississippi river has been rerouted and the natural sand and silt is not being deposited where it should be. The plant life on the floor of the barrier islands and marsh lands is also in very bad condition due to the rerouting of the Mississippi river. This entire area is in jeopardy because of the most over engineered river in the world.

If you don't know about the landscape, you are simply speaking from your ass. I was born in Louisiana and I currently reside here. I visit New Orleans at least once a year. It is a dirty city full of poor, stupid people. I love it. For me it's not the people, it is the culture and the history. This is my history. I am of Acadian decent. This city is part of who I am.

There is no doubt, WE SHOULD AND WILL REBUILD!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 02, 2005
Acadian Via Cajun.  My Grandfather grew up in the Bayous.  My Grandmother was from the New Orleans Aristocracy. (Faget)
on Sep 02, 2005
Sonnier here ... we all came down from Canada. Well, my ansestors.

This whole state is crazy. All of the rumors are really pissing me off.
on Sep 02, 2005

This whole state is crazy. All of the rumors are really pissing me off.

New Orleans is suffering worse than florida last year, or Virginia the year before.  I hope order can be restored soon.  Only then can the process of cleaning up begin.

And all Cajuns came down from Canada.  That is why they are Cajuns (Transplanted Acadians).  My Grandmother's family arrived from France directly, hence why they were the haves.

on Sep 02, 2005
I have donated to the local red cross charity assistance. I hope it helps. The mayor's comments were sharp today. Link

on Sep 02, 2005
Thanks for your donations. There are things other than cash that they really need. I have been at the shelters and they are getting a steady stream of baby items, but they need plus size clothes and underware. Clothes and underware will really make a difference. A lot of these people have decided not to go back and are looking for work in the local area. If you are donating items that will be trucked into the state these are great items to send.
on Sep 02, 2005


You serious?  I just switched from briefs to boxers (for that scoach more room), and besides money, I have some of them left (in good condition).  I was not going to donate them, but if you think the Red Cross wants them...........

on Sep 02, 2005
I have some of them left (in good condition)

New please.
on Sep 02, 2005

New please.

Ok.  I was not going to donate them, but will send new.  Whew!

on Sep 02, 2005
Show Bar on Bourbon Street during my titty dancing days

When was that .. just trying to figure out if I've ever seen you.
on Sep 02, 2005
91 was the last year I ever performed anywhere

Well I would have just been old enough then (the drinking age was still 18 then) but I wasn't there.

I wouldn't ever try to go down for Mardi Gras ... too many idiots from out of town that think everything is legal down there.
on Sep 02, 2005

Well I would have just been old enough then (the drinking age was still 18 then) but I wasn't there.

Damn!  I graduated before you were born!  Hi son!

on Sep 02, 2005
I differ. I've been planning to write a blog about it, but I'm not interested in all the crabbiness around here lately, honestly.

There's no way they should rebuild problems they were working around before. It would be the height of silliness to rebuild a city on the coast below sea level that you have to constantly pump out.

New Orleans isn't the only people destroyed by this. If they could do a better job for less money, diverting the extra money to Alabama or Mississippi, then they should.

New Orleans was justified trying to patch a 200 year old problem. They wouldn't be justified to build a such a forseeable problem into a new city just because of some ideal. There are a lot of people effected along the gulf coast, and frankly any extra money spent on idealism in New Orleans is just money they won't have.
on Sep 02, 2005
It's a shame New Orleans ain't over seas somewhere, then the Gov't. would pour billions into it and make sure it was rebuilt.
on Sep 02, 2005
New Orleans was justified trying to patch a 200 year old problem. They wouldn't be justified to build a such a forseeable problem into a new city just because of some ideal. There are a lot of people effected along the gulf coast, and frankly any extra money spent on idealism in New Orleans is just money they won't have.

I understand that they aren't the only people in need, but that doesn't mean we should throw away the history in this city. There is somehting about that city that, because I am not a poet, I can't put into words. It is the food and the atmosphere and the culture that brings me back.

I think it would be a sad, sad day if we abandon this city.
on Sep 02, 2005
There are high spots in New Orleans that aren't flooded now. I think the city could be restructured, and the low points built-around. I think most of places like bourbon street are on high ground, aren't they?

Ask yourself this. Why are the poorest neighborhoods the worst flooded? Because wealthy people don't want to invest in property that is in that kind of danger unless the tourism factor is so high that they can afford to lose.

We shouldn't send Jimmy Carter down there with Habitat for Humanity to rebuild poor people's houses so they can flood again in the future. That just reinforces the problem.

Also, wait and see what it is going to cost to insure places like that after the insurance companies take this hit. They don't even offer flood insurance in the vast majority of places. After this, it will be next to impossible to protect your investment.
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