Published on March 8, 2006 By just john In Entertainment
I love going to rock shows. Small dives, big arenas or a good street performer; I love to watch great rock shows.

A couple of months ago, when Photograph came out, I asked one of my vendors to see if she could get me some tickets to see Nickel Back when they were coming to town. She told me that her company (which owns the arena) has a lottery for the tickets that they give away and she would put my name in.

The show is tonight. She finally called yesterday and said she had two tickets (not the 4 I requested). Now that I am sitting with two very, very close seats to the show, I find myself not wanting to go.

I broke my ankle in January of 2005. I don't know what, but a couple of days ago something went wrong. I haven't had this much pain since a couple of months after they added all of my new stainless steel hardware.

I can't stand up for long periods of time without severe pain. I can't get into see my doc until Friday. I certainly can't go to a rock show and have a good time and because of this I feel selfish if I go.

I know a couple of people who would love to go to the show and I've really thought about giving them the tickets. I know they would have a far better time than me at the show simply because they can go there without pain.

I want to go to the show, but I just don't think I should.

on Mar 08, 2006
TAke some painkillers and go. That's what I would do.
on Mar 08, 2006
Well, my wife really wants to go so I am going. I wish I had some painkillers. I haven'ty taken them in a long time and I can't get in to the doc until Friday. He won't prescribe the meds for me without checking things out in case there is something wrong with my hardware.
on Mar 08, 2006
I'm glad you're going. I hope you don't suffer too much. If you have to sit, sit.

It's too bad you can't get in to the doctor. Why don't you call and ask if they can squeeze you in or if they can call you if you they have a cancellation? When is the show anyway?
on Mar 09, 2006

You could "rent" a wheel chair and go....

I don't know how that'd work because everyone is usually on their feet shaking you might only see butts.  But at least it'd get you to your seat and back to the car without walking.

If you go, have fun and tell us all about it when ya get back!

Hope nothing is seriously wrong with your ankle.

on Mar 09, 2006
I didn't go. As it turns out, I had some things that had to be done at work last night. I am glad I didn't go though. I am sure I would have been in a lot more pain today if I had.

I ended up giving the tickets to a good friend. He took his little brother. He really wanted to go to the show. I know they had a good time and probably a far better one than I would have.

The tickets were free so I wasn't out anything and I am sure they really enjoyed getting to sit right next to the stage. I like Nickel Back, Chevelle and Trapt. I would have probably enjoyed Chevelle the most and because I had to work, I would have missed them. It all worked out for the best, well except for pulling a favor for tickets I didn't get to use. There will always be a chance for more free tickets though.