Published on March 28, 2006 By just john In Life Journals
I would have never imagined last week when I penned this article Link that I would face death again in less than a week. I am angry (I don't know if that truly conveys the feeling) about this. I am up in arms and I don't know exactly where this is going to take me but I won’t see this sort of senselessness touch my life again.

What I failed to mention in the previous article is my belief that Caleb died while playing something that has been dubbed The Choking Game. This is no game! Yesterday, I attended a funeral for a thirteen year old cousin whose life was snuffed out by the same sort of foolishness.

Twenty-one Children's deaths, this year, have been attributed to this game. Is it really a game? Should the media treat it as such? Why aren't schools preaching the dangers of this?

If you have children, talk to them about this. Tell them that death has a face and if they play this game it could be theirs.

on Mar 28, 2006
For more information Link.
on Mar 28, 2006
I know about the choking game.  I am sorry for your loss.  There is no sense to it.
on Mar 28, 2006
I know about the choking game.

I am afraid this is the case with a lot of parents. They know about it.
on Mar 28, 2006
This just brought back a memory from a long time ago. I remember when I was a kid some of the other kids used to do that. Luckily nobody died. I never wanted to try, I just didn't like giving up that kind of control and did not understand why someone would. One of the reason I have never used drugs either. But it's definately like it says in the article link, it is an activity that is passed down for generations through whispers. I just wish we would pass on something better then this.