Since I have been BL'd by the offender here and she just can't seem to lay off the drama, I'll have to voice my opinion in my own world. The victim is at it again. I just want to know how an offender could always turn the story around to be the victim and why a few of you tolerate this behavior.
"little whip"
By: Trudygolightly
Posted: 4/5/2006 3:07:41 PM on Trudygolightly's Corner of the World
The darnest thing just happened! I typed "little whip" into the Google image thingy, and this is what popped up.
Link/,SUNA:2005-52,SUNA:en%26sa%3DN"> Link/ Link&h=186&w=143&sz=16&tbnid=sBoPa1I-GGr2JM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=74&hl=en&start=21&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2522little%2Bwhip%2522%26start%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%3DSUNA,SUNA:2005-52,SUNA:en%26sa%3DN
the first page to come up is a picture of Tova with the words "a little whip" below her face, then when I clicked againg it took me to Tova. I didn't know Tova was "Life Happens" guess I've been sleeping too much....
Immediately after reading the title and who it was from I though this is going to be good. I called her to the curb asking why she would be typing such things in a browser and she took offense to it. (I guess the truth stings) To which she later replied, after a rebuttal by me discussing her need to create drama, I have -insert various health issue here-. Blah, blah, blah. For your age, I would think you to be more mature than you act.
Your later claim was that this article was about needing coffee. (sure wish you would have said that and not that you've been sleeping too much) A couple of questions that I know you'll never answer (the truth hurts to much to put it down, I know), Why were you even looking for her image? Why would you title the article "Little Whip"? Why would you even find that important to mention? (I know, I know you tell us all about your life and every other stupid thing that comes to you via email)
I was also accused of somehow pining for LW. That would be after I made this comment:
And one more thing. She is gone. Let her go. Since she hasn’t been around, she hasn’t done anything to you. Leave her alone. (not that I’m trying to be her advocate) I guess you thought you could stir up some drama.
You wanted drama. Admit it. Otherwise you wouldn't have made an entire separate article about her again with a commonly known reference to her in the title. Grow up Trudy."