Published on July 17, 2006 By just john In Home & Family
What a weekend we had. Michelle and I both developed some sort of stomach type bug. Michelle got a couple of days at the resort (read: hospital) and just as she was getting released I was getting ill. We are all better (mostly) now.

We did get some great news this morning that makes all of the suffering worthwhile. We heard three little hearts beating! Michelle will be 8 weeks along on Thursday so that means it is still early and things could change. At 12 weeks we can be more positive on the numbers but for now it is three and I can't wait!

So now for the picture...

on Jul 17, 2006

I think that the first time you hear your child's heart beat is one of the most moving experiences a parent can have (the actual birth being THE most moving).

I've been scoping out yarns and trying different color combinations so that I can make all your young-uns hats and blankets that are the same colors but just different schemes, if you know what I mean.  If I work hard and get Tex's and AngelaMarie's blankets completed I should be able to get yours done in time for them to be born!

on Jul 17, 2006
I think that the first time you hear your child's heart beat is one of the most moving experiences a parent can have

No kidding! I am so excited! He showed the hearts on the ultrasound first and I was just blown away when he let us hear them.

I should be able to get yours done in time for them to be born!

Anybody ever tell you that you are an angel? If not ... YOU'RE AN ANGEL! After we met with the fertility doctor this morning the OB/GYN that took care of her in the hospital wanted her to come by. She went and I think we are set that he will be "the guy". He seems very pro-life and doesn't even mention the possibility of a reduction. We should have a brand new neo-natal unit open here by the end of the year and that should be just in time. We are looking at a January delivery.
on Jul 17, 2006
This is great!  Please dont stop keeping us updated.  And I wish for the best for you and your wife and your family to be.
on Jul 17, 2006
That is definitely some good news. Continued wishes for good health to mommy and babies.
on Jul 17, 2006
Reply By: Dr. Guy

Thank you! and you know I'll keep you guys up to date. I am working on a website just for this but I don't want to jinx things just yet by publishing it.

Reply By: InBloom

Thank you!
on Jul 17, 2006

I was just blown away when he let us hear them

That brings a tear to my eye.  Your exuberance is just so refreshing and genuine!  You've waited a long time for these little ones to come into your lives, and there is no doubt in my mind that you will be an awesome dad. 

Anybody ever tell you that you are an angel? If not ... YOU'RE AN ANGEL!

Nah. My personal philosophies make me exempt for angel status.  If I were an angel, though.....I'd be the kind of angel John Travolta was in 'Michael'.  You know, grubby, moulting wings, a liking for booze and food and sex....yeah, that's the kind of angel I'd be.

He seems very pro-life and doesn't even mention the possibility of a reduction.

I had wondered if anyone would mention that to you.  I personally don't agree with reduction, I think that if all of the embryo's implant and begin developing then it's just something that was meant to be.  Besides, I'd guilt myself to death about the one(s) I'd terminated, wondering what they would have been had I not made the decision. 

on Jul 17, 2006
and there is no doubt in my mind that you will be an awesome dad.

I just hope I can live up to all the expectations.

We started talking long ago about reduction. We agreed that we could only consider it if we were faced with more than 5 or if it was a medical necessity (read:life or death). I have the same issue with wondering what the terminated one would have been. With IVF the numbers just arent there statistically to not take the risk of implanting more than you could reasonably support. It is a risk though but it was one we took with our eyes wide open. We are both happy that we have three now, sad to see one go but happy because now the three that remain have a better chance.
on Jul 17, 2006
Oh, I am sooo sorry about the stomach thing. That is totally miserable. Glad you got some good news to ease you out of it though. That is so extremely exciting! I'll keep fingers and toes crossed for your family.