One stop information shop
Published on August 9, 2006 By just john In Blogging
This is an idea I had when we found out Michelle was pregnant for triplets. I wanted to wait a while to make sure everything was going to work out this way and after the latest ultrasound I felt confident that it would be ok to set up.


I am going to post the link when I update that site here at JU but I am not going to double or triple post them anymore because it takes so long to format for the different sites.

on Aug 09, 2006

I loved your title!  It is precious!

And the site is better than a baby book because it will be there for them in 15 years, and you can always print it and paste it to a baby book if you want to get traditional!


on Aug 09, 2006
Thanks! There are so many people we have to keep updated it gets hard to remember who knows what. I am already designing a database to keep track of what the babies eat, poop... I just don't have the capacity for long term storage of this sort of data.
on Aug 09, 2006
Wow Jon the site is awesome as is the title.

You hopefully will get some other triplet parents on it and what a support group that may turn into!

My husband and I watched a National Geographic episode on conception and the development of babies. Wow. It is beyond a miracle the way they are knit together so perfectly.

So much is determined in utero. They're physical attributes, some of their predispositions to personality, a melding of your genes and your wife's.

And you have three little miracles coming your way.
on Aug 10, 2006
I was driving home one evening shortly after we found out there were four that had developed and I thought... 40fingers40toes. It was available but I never checked 30. A couple of weeks later we saw three little heartbeats but I had gotten so excited over having 4 that I just didn't want to jinx myself and try 30. I waited till after the second ultrasound to set it up. Once I saw those little wiggly kiddos, I couldn't wait to get it set up.

Oh yeah ... The site is simple and the blog site comes with the package. I do plan on several more additions to the main site. I will be adding a section for pictures and other more personal information. I want to password protect that data though. I plan on sharing but some things you have to make sure you keep private.

And you have three little miracles coming your way.

I know ... Isn't it soooooo cool!

I just can't wait to have them here. Really, I know it is so close but it seems so far away. I know it is going t to be challenging but I am ready for it. We are ready for it.

We didn't think it was going to be possible for a while there but now that it is, oh man, am I excited.
on Aug 10, 2006
Neat site. I'm so excited for you and your wife. Your babies will have such a wonderful family. Congrats again.
on Aug 10, 2006
Neat site.

Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you
on Aug 10, 2006
Thanks for sharing the site with us. How exciting to watch the progress of triplets!

on Aug 11, 2006
Too cool!!!!! What a great idea to keep everyone posted!
on Aug 11, 2006
That is really awesome JJ. I'm typing one handed right now with my little bundle in the other. She is my 3rd and I am just as amazed as I was with my first.

I feel for your wife and will be thinking of her. Here's hoping the pregnancy lasts as long as possible and is healthy for mom and babies.