Published on August 30, 2006 By just john In Current Events
Champagne and strippers, Louis Vatton bags and Hawaiian vacations... The feds gave money to a state that is completely undeserving. They did that knowing that much of that money would go to waste. Ten billion dollars sits waiting on a bunch of red tape to reimburse people who really don't have a neighborhood to go back to.

I know people living in FEMA trailers. I have family still in FEMA trailers. Blue tarps designed for short term use laid down at a higher cost than repairing the roof all together. $175.00 a square foot to put down blue tarps? I knew it would happen but the fact that I was right offers no conciliation. I knew that the people of Louisiana would not see much of the billions funneled into this state for repair. That's just not how it works here.

No bid contracts were offered under the guise that there was no time to wait; just millions of dollars to be wasted. I sit in disgust over the idea that all of this was predictable but nothing was done to make sure that it didn't happen. We all heard of outside oversight committees. They probably had their hand out too.

Truth is, Louisiana sucks. Social services are ultimately at fault for the people stranded after Katrina. Years of handouts instead of handups are to blame.

This state created victims not survivors. Unfortunately we dumped our victims on other states and most victims have decided that the grass is greener in other pastures as long as sticking out your hand still works. Houston faces an 18% increase in crime after Katrina. One in five murders involves an evacuee as a suspect. Over 60% of the people who migrated to Texas are still not working.

Our governor boasts of the lowest unemployment rates in LA history, 2.9%. That's largely being affected by our burdens being passed on to other kind hearted states.

I'm tired of following all of this. Spike Lee did his little biased documentary blaming the feds but the feds didn't make the victims of Katrina. Lack of ambition and a state that continued to pay them made them who they are. The saddest part is we are still allowing people to steal from the American public. We've moved from handing money out to people who refuse to have a plan to giving millions and billions to people who do have a plan ... gouging America.

on Aug 30, 2006

It's just at a year now.

What I don't understand is how so many of the Katrina victims are still not working, even in other states.  What's up with that?  Ok, they couldn't work in NO because there were "no jobs."  But that's not the case in the rest of America.

If you lose everything, then you have nothing to keep you from starting over.  So after a year why are so many people in the same position they were a month after the hurricane?

It's perplexing.

on Aug 30, 2006

The sad fact is that they KNOW of 1.6 billion in waste so far.  Hell, there was millions in waste here after Isabel (a much smaller disaster).  And what do the democrats scream?  Not enough was done fast enough!  When you act in haste, you repent in leisure.  The proof the feds did act quickly is the size of the fraud.  Not the fact that some still bitch and moan about it.

And the Blue tarps?  hiway robbery!  But after getting slammed with 3 hurricanes the year before Katrina, my mother still had a blue tarp.  Why?  No roofers.  They are quick and easy.  But not designed for long term.  Yet that is what they become.  It took her about 14 months to finally get her roof fixed.  That was Florida (around Palm Beach). 2004.  Excuse me while I listen to their bellyaching?.......................

Gee, other than my mother chewing my ear off (mothers are allowed that priveledge, even if they do use it too much on occassion), all I hear is the lapping of the waves.  What about Rita and Western Louisiana.  Let me listen.....................................................................

Nope, just hear my Cousin Mercedes.  And she aint bitchin.  She is glad that she got back in her house in a couple of months.  With the help of neighbors and friends.  Lots of work to do, but the family is pitchin in!

on Aug 30, 2006
What the government should do now is make returning to New Orleans and working on the rebuild effort a condition of their welfare checks.

That's a really good idea Whip...

I wonder how many want to go back?

I wouldn't. It's just a matter of time and it will all happen again.
on Aug 31, 2006
What the government should do now is make returning to New Orleans and working on the rebuild effort a condition of their welfare checks.

They definately should make some contingency for them to return and help to rebuild.