This update is coming to you live from Baton Rouge, LA. I am stuck down here this week taking a training class on MS SQL. I have had several new reasons to add SQL to my bag of tricks and I am really tired of having to spend an enormous amounts of time solving simple problems. I'm in day two of the class and can already see some ways that this is going to make my day to day better.
Probably the worst part of being down here is that my wife is home. She is six months and one week pregnant now. (don't worry. I left her in the hands of her mother which is better than me because she is with her all day) She really has to watch what she does. Even the simplest of task requires blood to go to her muscles and that takes it away from the babies. Her OB still hasn't said that she need to stay in bed but he did tell her that it is time for her to consider taking it very easy.
I missed her ultrasound today. I was able to go last week and her OB said that it was time to move from 2 week visits to once a week. Now, just a week later he has moved to every two or three days. The pace is going to accelerate quickly now. I am really hoping that she will be able to be home for Thanksgiving but her hospital stay looms.
Everything is going great! Her cervix has had no change and is still completely closed (I know the guys wanted to know that). The babies are getting bigger. Today, they measured their size. Tabitha Brooke is 1lb 10ozs, Parrish John is 1lb 7 ozs and Chloe Rene is 1lb 6ozs. Right now the babies aren't restricted and have more room to grow. Bigger babies are obviously better.
We feel like her OB will put her in the hospital just after Thanksgiving. The babies should come close to the end of the year. January 5th would make 32 weeks and that would be the best number to hit but I just don't think it's gonna happen. She's only 5'4" and there is only so much room to grow.
All in all we can't ask for more. The babies all look healthy and Michelle's health is as good as a woman six months pregnant with triplets could be."