it's getting closer
Published on November 14, 2006 By just john In Home & Family
This update is coming to you live from Baton Rouge, LA. I am stuck down here this week taking a training class on MS SQL. I have had several new reasons to add SQL to my bag of tricks and I am really tired of having to spend an enormous amounts of time solving simple problems. I'm in day two of the class and can already see some ways that this is going to make my day to day better.

Probably the worst part of being down here is that my wife is home. She is six months and one week pregnant now. (don't worry. I left her in the hands of her mother which is better than me because she is with her all day) She really has to watch what she does. Even the simplest of task requires blood to go to her muscles and that takes it away from the babies. Her OB still hasn't said that she need to stay in bed but he did tell her that it is time for her to consider taking it very easy.

I missed her ultrasound today. I was able to go last week and her OB said that it was time to move from 2 week visits to once a week. Now, just a week later he has moved to every two or three days. The pace is going to accelerate quickly now. I am really hoping that she will be able to be home for Thanksgiving but her hospital stay looms.

Everything is going great! Her cervix has had no change and is still completely closed (I know the guys wanted to know that). The babies are getting bigger. Today, they measured their size. Tabitha Brooke is 1lb 10ozs, Parrish John is 1lb 7 ozs and Chloe Rene is 1lb 6ozs. Right now the babies aren't restricted and have more room to grow. Bigger babies are obviously better.

We feel like her OB will put her in the hospital just after Thanksgiving. The babies should come close to the end of the year. January 5th would make 32 weeks and that would be the best number to hit but I just don't think it's gonna happen. She's only 5'4" and there is only so much room to grow.

All in all we can't ask for more. The babies all look healthy and Michelle's health is as good as a woman six months pregnant with triplets could be."

on Nov 14, 2006

Thanks for the update Jon.  Sounds like things are progressing well.  I pray they stay in as long as possible and get a chance to really grow and get some more weight on them.

I bet you are missing seeing those babies in her belly already aren't ya? hahahaha.


on Nov 14, 2006
I'm glad things are going well! Yow, no fun being away from them now is it?! Thanks for the update!
on Nov 14, 2006
I bet you are missing seeing those babies in her belly already aren't ya?

no fun being away from them now is it?!

It drives me mad to miss seeing the babies. I don't know how anybody could only have a couple of ultrasounds during a pregnancy. I could sit glued to the ultrasound screen all day long. I can't wait for the day I can see them and touch them.
on Nov 14, 2006
I could sit glued to the ultrasound screen all day long

Which is why a lot of people get video tapes...or dvds now...and watch all the time...and show the neighbors, the relative, the mail man....whoevea.  
on Nov 14, 2006
Which is why a lot of people get video tapes

WWW LinkGot the video but they only do one.
on Nov 15, 2006

I adore the names that you and Michelle have picked out! They're great! And I'm so happy to hear that she's (and you!) are doing as well as can be expected. It's a bummer she won't be able to be home for Christmas (although your 3 late gifts will all be worth it, I bet!). Congratulations again. Your excitement is contagious. I think you're going to be a GREAT dad.
on Nov 15, 2006
I adore the names that you and Michelle have picked out!

We really toiled over names. We were sure it was going to be two boys and a girl and then we had to go back to the drawing board. We both wanted their names to each have their own significance.

My grandfathers's nickname was Tabby so Tabitha is named after him. I don't think there is any surprise where John came from and Rene is my wife's middle name. Coming up with three names was harder than you think.

It's a bummer she won't be able to be home for Christmas

The good thing is that we have known for months.

Great news, John, and I hope it continues the same

Thanks! She is really doing great.
on Nov 15, 2006
Hey!  As they are your first, you can tell us anything you want!  Most of us have been there already, and the magic never fades!  And have fun with SQL.  I took a class last year just so I would know the same stuff you do.  Not to be a DBA, but to fix the simple problems.
on Nov 15, 2006
Most of us have been there already, and the magic never fades!

I just wish I could work some magic and fast forward to when they get here.
on Nov 15, 2006

I just wish I could work some magic and fast forward to when they get here.

And then do a slo-mo so they dont grow up so fast?

on Nov 15, 2006
I really liked your ultra sounds Jon. Mine didn't look that good either time and I was only carrying one....

I'm a little jealous.
on Nov 15, 2006
on Nov 15, 2006
Mine didn't look that good either time and I was only carrying one....

We have the most amazing ultrasound tech. I think she really enjoys the job so she works extra hard with us.

MasonMNovember 15, 2006 19:55:44Reply #13

That's hillarious. In the earlier ultrasounds (when there was more room), I could have sworn that they were all trying their best to get in the picture.
on Nov 16, 2006
Tiny update. Michelle spent the night in the hospital last night. She was having contractions. They gave her some medicine to stop the contractions but that made her heart rate jump. More medicine and observation. They were able to get both under control but they wanted to make sure that all of the meds had run their course and that the symptoms did not return.

I don't get stressed about this stuff, although it is hard to be away from her while it happens. I can't wait to get home tomorrow. My instructor has promised that we will be out of class by noon. Four or five hours later I should be home with my baby and babies. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.