Published on January 6, 2007 By just john In Blogging
They got together for a group photo today. From left to right Tabitha, Parrish and Chloe.

You get some reference of size here.

The girls decided to wake up for these pictures but Parrish just wouldn't wake up.

The have all had their IVs taken out(Parrish decided to take his out this morning). They are getting 19ml at each 3 hour interval feedings. Every other feeding they get an increase of 1ml. They continue to move along so quickly that it is even difficult for the doctors to keep up.

on Jan 06, 2007
omg JJ they are so tiny! Bless them! You must be so proud and so thrilled!
on Jan 06, 2007

Parish is already learning.  No football?  No way!

They are precious!

on Jan 06, 2007
They are absolutely beautiful!  Look at all of that hair!  Oh boy are you in for a wild ride!
on Jan 06, 2007
They are so sweet Jon.

My youngest has been puking non stop for two days and I need a shower! I can't imagine doing that in triplicate! hahahahahahah.

Oh well. They are worth it.
on Jan 06, 2007
Congrats! They are adorable! I hope all continues to go well and you can go home soon.

I also hope you get to sleep again one day!
on Jan 07, 2007
They look great, John. Beautiful, healthy-looking babies. I'm glad to hear that they are doing better than expected.

And I just love the tiny little feet. Nothing is more precious than sweet little baby feet.
on Jan 07, 2007
Beautiful, john, beautiful. Those are some beautiful babies. I'm looking forward to seeing how they grow up. Knowing all that you and your wife have been through to have them, I am sure they will be well loved.
on Jan 07, 2007

You have no idea. I could spend hours playing with Izzy's little feet. They're just so soft and tiny with itty bitty little toes.

They have these little reflexes so that if you press your thumb under their toes they curl them up, and if you run your finger down the length of their feet, they splay their tiny toes out.

on Jan 07, 2007
You must be so proud and so thrilled!


No football? No way!

It will be baseball if his cousin has anything at all to say about it.

Look at all of that hair!

Could you imagine if they were in there for another 2 months. They would have had to leave from the hospital to get a hair cut.

My youngest has been puking non stop for two days and I need a shower!

I know I will one day regret saying this but I am ready to deal with it.

They look pissed off, poppa!

Chloe has had that look on her face for 2 days. She been pooping for 2 days too. I think I know her 'stinky' face.

Nothing is more precious than sweet little baby feet.

I totally get it. The girls have long toes but Parrish has short ones. They are pretty darn cute little feet.

Knowing all that you and your wife have been through to have them, I am sure they will be well loved.

This has just been such an amazing experience; one that we have waited 10 years for. I plan to treasure every moment and punch every boy that looks at my girls.
on Jan 10, 2007
Oh wow! They are adorable! Congratulations and the best of luck to you and your family.