A little more than you probably want to know about me
Published on October 27, 2004 By just john In Welcome
Well... Where to start?

I am and have always been a geek. I was a geek when being a geek wasn't cool at all. I took my first PC course when I was six (thanks Mom and Dad). I was destined to be a geek I suppose.

Like so many people I am ADD or ADHD. I don't subscribe to the whole medical treatment for it though. I figure if I haven't learned to live with it after 31 years ... medicine won't make a difference.

I am the systems administrator for an oil and gas company engineering and production company. For the most part I have a really good job. My boss is on the very far end of not sucking. I get to travel from time to time. An eight hour work day is not always enforced but sometimnes a sixteen hour day is unavoidable.

I am married and have been for seven ... almost eight years. My lovely wife is a student at LA Tech Architecture School. Some day she will graduate and I wont have to work anymore.

I have a couple of pets. A poodle that likes me only because I scratch her belly. I also have a Red Eared Slider Turtle. We feed him fish and turtle food, but we have three fish that have a conract to not be eaten by the turtle. I don't understand why this is but it just happened that way.

Ok... so maybe that isn't more than you wanted to know ... but for now .. it's all I have to say about me

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