I am glad that I live in a country where I can freely express my opinions.
I am no history buff, I am not buried in all of the political jargon that passes through popular news and I certainly don't keep up with all the articles posed on the net.
Recently, "religious songs" were removed from a public school because they didn't want to offend anyone. There is always some talk of separation of church and State going on. Most of it is associated with schools. We can't say God in the pledge of allegiance.
Am I wrong, or was the original intention of this separation designed to allow Americans to freely worship the God of their choice (or not to). This country was founded on morals and God.
I can understand that if your child doesn't practice a religion that believes in the "popular" God that your child not participate. Nothing wrong there. Or better, lets include a celebration of all religions and include everyone.
I come from the school of thought that your religion is less important than your faith. I was told recently by a very close family member that I was going to Hell because I am Catholic. I told her she was going to heaven because she believed in God.
Church and sate is about your freedom to choose without government persecution, not about being politically correct.