Published on May 4, 2005 By just john In Blog Communities
The shameless attempts at promotion are rampant here at JU. I guess I am slightly guilty of that myself. Chances are if you are reading this you were only hoping to "bump" one of your friends in the ranks.

I am not sure why numbers become so important. I have been around the internet's ability to offer instant, free exchange of thoughts for a long time now. I was a hard core VP user. I was drawn in by the people, after all people are my favorite hobby. I like to observe, interact and even gamble on the predicted outcome of the everyday follies of my prey. Unfortunately, I am rarely wrong in my predictions of people. I watched VP turn from a great place to meet interesting people to a den of revenge, one upping and well... err... sex prowlers.

JU has less appeal to the sex prowlers because of the lack of immediate gratification. However, revenge seekers and those that have to be on top have settled quite nicely into this little community. Personality is rarely unique. You pick up you good habits and bad generally from the same sources ... parents, friends, and coworkers. That makes personalities almost cyclical. I guess what I'm saying is, if you spend enough time with an 90 year old man who speaks only to complain about his health, it is likely that when you are old you will repeat that pattern. Why? Because it is a comfortable pattern. I am sure you have all realized little glimpses of your parents in you.

I am not saying those things are bad, just interesting. The JU community jumps right on the bandwagon of one upping just as it happened in VP. The revenge, well that's a different story. That is what makes this forum fun. The election sparked some really great debates but it also sparked as many (or more) flame wars. The passion of ideas came bubbling to the surface. Now we are left with the occasional BOO! or HOORAY! for the war. I guess since there is nothing better to write about why not make a game out of the community.

I read a lot and write very few articles. I reply when I feel passionate about something or have some personal experience to share. I have been guilty of asking questions to illicit responses (most of which have gone ignored). I read most all of the top 20 bloggers on this site because once in a while, between the points whoring they write something that inspires me to examine my own ideas. I get most of those inspirations, however, from the lower ends of the ranks.

I'm not quite sure if this is a rant. It's not intended to be ... or ... I didn't intend it to be in the beginning. I just thought I might share my idea with you in hopes that you would be inspired to keep my hobby entertained with the beautiful little slices of life you share.

Since I don't want to adversely keep anyone’s name out of the top 20, please don't type a single word in each reply. Plus, that is driving the scroll wheel on my mouse crazy.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 04, 2005
on May 04, 2005
on May 04, 2005
That's not really what I was hoping for in the article

I am glad that you know who you are. I wasn't surprised about that though.
on May 04, 2005
It depends. Some days I am, other days I could care less.
on May 04, 2005
I'm all for those other days.
on May 04, 2005
Well, knowing I got those points is nice. I don't really care much about them other than earning them. I mostly reply on those articles which say they are points-whoring for fun, you know, make a joke or two. Or 30.
on May 04, 2005
No, if I were a points whore I would write far more interesting and inflamatory articles.
on May 04, 2005
well ... if it's only for fun

Don't get serious about it
on May 04, 2005
e shameless attempts at promotion are rampant here at JU.

What is shameless about having a little fun? It is not hurting anyone and anyone that participated seemed to enjoy themselves.
on May 04, 2005
I understand the joke aspect.

Mine was only an observation.
on May 04, 2005
Mine was only an observation.

In the meantime you are shamelessly gathering alot of points
on May 04, 2005
I give you in example...

Gideon MacLeish - This is humerousLink

When you google "are you a points whore?" Any guesses at the number one return?

on May 04, 2005
Yes I am gathering points but no worries I am barely a blip on the radar. I am a fly on the wing of a B52.
on May 04, 2005
Yes I am gathering points but no worries

What me worry??
I read JoeUser Blogs (better than Mad Magazine)
on May 04, 2005
Hello, my name is Dynosoar, and I am a points whore.

I haven't blatantly posted an article "for points" in over a year ( don't I get a chip or something for that ) I got caught up in seeing my
screen name climb ( I made it to the top 20 ) it was addictive, and then it came crashing down over me.
I began missing submission deadlines for school projects, I was blogging instead of sleeping, when I forgot to
pick up my daughter at school one day, I knew I had a problem.

Went cold turkey last summer, stopped by occassionally for a social comment, read all the articles about the Presidential race,
and the war in Iraq, and I fought the urge to jump in!!!!

I'm a recovering points whore...........
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