The plight of my uncle
Published on August 5, 2005 By just john In Health & Medicine
I always amazed at the things we do to the old people of our generation. I watch my grandparents that never had much struggle just to survive on what they are allotted each month. Now I find out the my uncle, a combat veteran who was promised that his medical care would be taken care of through veterans affairs, is left hanging.

My aunt is a very dear and kind woman. My uncle is her second marriage. She has taken care of him for as long as I can remember. My uncle has Alzheimer’s and has been fading for a couple of years now. He has also had a couple of strokes of the last few years that have made the burden of care huge for my aunt. Now he is fading fast and he is far more than she is capable of caring for.

She is so brave to have held on this long, but it cost her. The VA will not help him. They will not put him in a VA nursing home or treat his condition because it is not service related. This guy is an 81 year old WWII combat vet. In his life he has never taken part of the VA services. He was a hard working man and took care of himself.

My aunt has very little savings and at the very least several more years of her life to live. If she has to bear the cost of putting him in a nursing home she will loose at least half of her savings to pay for his care.

The VA told them that the policy changed two weeks ago. That two weeks prior, they were still treating non-service related illnesses. I want to help in some way but I don't have extra piles of cash lying around and I'm not even sure that is the best sort of help. The best thing that could happen is that he is put in a nursing home. He is wandering in the streets and has had a violent temper in the past. I don't want to see my aunt have to put herself in danger any longer.

on Aug 05, 2005
I don't really know much about the system. Anybody have some suggestions?
on Aug 05, 2005
Well let me see what I can do.

First the VA does not cover non-service related illnesses, injuries or disabilities for the most part. Now ALL veterans are entitled to reduced cost care at any VA location. Disabled vets with a certain percentage disability get free medical and prescriptions and compensation. Currently I think its 40%.

Anyway try reading this info : Link That is specially for elderly vets.

Also This one: Link

There is a lot of good information there. Secondly, there should be a Veterans representative in her county, that she can contact for assistance in finding out if he qualifies for any benefits. It would also be in her interest to talk with the local Veterans groups like VFW (Veterans of Foriegn Wars, American Legion, and others in her area. They are very good at finding resources for Vets.
I am a life member of Disabled American Veterans. They are a good group also.

on Aug 05, 2005
Reply By: ShadowWar

Thanks ... she has tried any open door she found, maybe this will give her a few more doors to knock on.
on Aug 05, 2005
justjohn; here's a possible avenue of help and hope. Jim Bunker is my second cousin
and perhaps can guide you in the direction of help.
He's a go-getter!! I can send you a pic of him if you like?

James A. Bunker

Veteran Information Network

1703 SW 66th Street.

Pauline, KS 66619

We all went to war together, now we need to fight for our health care

Jim Bunker
Kansas Vet

Veteran Information Network
on Aug 05, 2005

here's the URL for him, it's worth a shot.
on Aug 05, 2005

Contact: Jim Bunker
1703 SW 66th Street,
Topeka, KS 66619
Voice:(785) 862-9201,
Sorry about that link that didn't work.
Jim should be able to guide you to help if he can't.
on Aug 05, 2005
Reply By: Trudygolightly

Thanks So Much
on Jan 21, 2006
There is a lot to what the VA will and will not do.

There are those of us trained to help.
Jim Bunker
on Jan 22, 2006

Thank you for your information. The hurricanes in Louisiana did a lot of bad things to people but it saved my aunt and uncle. My uncle qualified for all kinds of state and federal assistance. He is now happily resting at the 'hotel'. He is in the very last stages. So, since he thinks he is at a hotel and the rest of the family is waiting to get rooms, we just don't tell him any differently.

Fortunately, out of tragedy, my aunt is now able to spend quality time with her husband instead of having to stay alert 24hrs a day to take care of him.

Again, thanks!