Thanks TED!
Published on September 13, 2005 By just john In Current Events

Bush is taking responsibility. Isn't that what you lefties want? I forgot ... you want someone to pin the blame on regardless of who was really at fault.

There were many breakdowns in the system. I don't really think that FEMA and DHS should be so intertwined that neither can act autonomously. There are places where each would be better suited to lead, given their specific roles.

But what is the real issue here? Is it that Bush had the courage to admit that this was not a perfect situation? Is it that somehow by claiming responsibility he can be held more liable than you already hold him?

I don't get it. It's just not news but CNN sure did jump on it. Bush has not changed his address from the moment things went wrong. He knew something was broken and he was personally determined to find out what it was.

How come you aren't writing articles questioning why the state government is blaming everyone else but themselves? Do you really want to find out what went wrong or are you just looking for your old faithful scape goat?

on Sep 13, 2005
Liberals can do no wrong, conservatives can do no right.  Thus spake mainstream media.
on Sep 13, 2005
Do I sound like a broken record yet. If not I must try harder.
on Sep 13, 2005
I am glad Bush finally took the responsibility for the failure of the Federal Governmemnt's response. He has failed to meet the needs of our country since January 2001. Unless this is the start of a totally different set of policies, this one admission will mean nothing! He has failed America on every front!
on Sep 13, 2005

I am glad Bush finally took the responsibility for the failure of the Federal Governmemnt's response. He has failed to meet the needs of our country since January 2001. Unless this is the start of a totally different set of policies, this one admission will mean nothing! He has failed America on every front!

Colon Klink, go read NIMS.  Then you will find out how big an ass you really are. I gave you the link.  Are you chicken to do so?  Coward? Yep!

on Sep 13, 2005
At least Bush had the balls to stand up and take responsibility. The state and local officials are responsible for following the specific guidelines for evacuation which was prepared by the state of Louisiana specifically for New Orleans. This plan was not adhered to which lead to the demise of the system. FEMA and DHS as well as Federal help is second to state and local.Link