Published on September 30, 2005 By just john In Blogging
I really swear this time I am going to change my actions. I am not going to do all of those stupid things I did before, such as plead for your sympathy by telling you all of my health woes. But while I have your attention ... let me tell you about this boil on my butt.

I am somebody at face value. I rarely give people cause to doubt me, even when I am guilty as sin. I can say all that I want about who I am and what I stand for. Sadly, they are just words.

Oh yeah, please respect me because I broke my leg back in January. They put two steel rods in my leg and this weather is really giving me problems.

*some things have been embellished but I swear I wrote this on my own ... if you don't believe me check Link*

**if you can't follow the link, they might have had to take it down because I have asked everyone to verify my story**

***I won't screw up and give you my password this time ... ha-ha***

on Sep 30, 2005
I thought about going to correct a couple of things for the way it read, but I can't be concerned with that sort of thing.
on Sep 30, 2005
Please somebody respond to stroke my ego

*did I say that out loud?*
on Sep 30, 2005
You're a naughty, wicked man.

I like you.
on Sep 30, 2005
Please Karma!  release him!  I lay myself on your feet as a sacrafice!
on Oct 01, 2005
He should be very happy that you didn't get ahold of the things i did, but yanno what?

Well, I could have showed him a few things (I'm cool like that *damn I keep saying these things out loud*).

No really I could have. I would have too if it weren't for me stubbing my big toe last night.

When I stubbed my toe I tripped and fell and hit my head on the keyboard. As I came to, I noticed that while I was out I finished my dissertation on the reproductive habits of the Bolivian Moon Fly in stark contrast to the value of a good Pentium 4 PC.

I won't publish it here though because you guys will never, ever, ever believe I wrote this. *I should really get to looking for someone's work so I can call it my own* *damn I did it again*

on Oct 01, 2005
You're a naughty, wicked man.I like you.

Thank you ... Thank you so very much for validating me. (BTW, my ego has now sucked a little of your life force away)

on Oct 01, 2005
I wonder when he's gonna get off restriction?

I'm still the very last guy in the ranks. BOO HOO!

I guess it is really ironical that the very upper echelon of JU could like me even though I am at the bottom. I guess being honest is the best way to get people to respect you.

Mr. Person that this article is in reference to, I hope you got that.
on Oct 01, 2005
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Friday, September 30, 2005Please Karma! release him! I lay myself on your feet as a sacrafice!We need to see a picture of you naked before we can determine whether this will help or HURT the cause, Dr.G.!

Sorry, this one is not maked adult content and no offense Dr. I wouldn't enjoy seeing you naked. I let you start your own thread for that one.

on Oct 01, 2005
He never gets it, sweetheart, and he never, ever will

Aint that the truth.
on Oct 01, 2005
He never gets it, sweetheart, and he never, ever will.

Aint that the truth.

Well, I hope for him that he proves you wrong someday. Even if the person he finally has a chance to prove it to isn't you, but metaphorically you.

I was much like him several years ago. I needed people to validate me for who I wanted them to think I was. One day I realized that, when I was away from everybody else, I liked the person I had become over the years. Who would have guessed? All of the people I had been working so hard to please would like that guy too.

So the straight deal is, YES, I like to feel validated for my accomplishments (who doesn't). I don't NEED to be validated because I know that I am happy with my work in life even if somebody isn't watching. And, it's a whole lot easier to live life without trying to remember which set of friends you have told which set of lies.

Good luck Mr. Person
on Oct 02, 2005

Sorry, this one is not maked adult content and no offense Dr. I wouldn't enjoy seeing you naked. I let you start your own thread for that one.

maybe I can just email LW a pic?

nah!  She would ruin her KB when she ralphed on it.

on Oct 02, 2005
nah! She would ruin her KB when she ralphed on it.

The KB only comes out of the box when it is being prepared for enjoyment.