Published on October 20, 2005 By just john In Blogging
Thank you to whoever has released me from my prison. (Karma I suspect it was you) Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you

Now that my gushing is complete, thank you for presenting me with a new problem; on which blog shall I comment first?

I have a problem that needs a solution and I call on those of you at Joe User with nothing but time on your hands and a complete and utter drive to drag me out of the gutter to come back with a little style.

In my confinement I was fixed, neutered, castrated even. After one of my offending blogs was removed I was left with a negative point standing. (-12,000 if you care) I am currently at negative10,841. I want out of the hole.

My challenge to you is to waste your time in my little world. Make this comeback article monumental. I don't want to be the number one blogger but a positive point standing will be cool.

Can you do it?

Can you give me 10,000 points?

I know you can, but will you?

I will grant my first returning comment to the blogger here at Joe User who responds the most. Quantity counts, quality, eeeh not so much.

edit: Many have said that this is a bit distateful. I do not intend to be an ass, so commenting has been disabled.

Thanks to all that continued to read me while confined.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 20, 2005
But your inside view of La is gold! Write a bang up one on that, and I am sure it will be featured.

I have an inside on the people affected by Rita. I will be going down tomorrow for my second visit. This one may take me a while to put to paper (so to speak).

I promise it to be a real slice of life but you'll have to wait so that I can let the emotion ferment and settle like that of a fine wine.

I really do want to thank all of you who continued to read while I was confined.
on Oct 20, 2005
I will hope that you do the right thing.

When it is so politely asked ... consider it done.
on Oct 20, 2005
I'll give you 5 just to let you know how lame this is. It's hard to say, because it is damn rare that I ever disagree with you, but in terms of points and stuff I guess we are of a different mind.

When I look at the top ten and see myself there I know it is because I have participated and given people stuff they want to read. Do you want to be up there because you begged for points? Knowing your other opinions on life, etc., I doubt that would really be satisfying to you.
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