Published on October 20, 2005 By just john In Blogging
Thank you to whoever has released me from my prison. (Karma I suspect it was you) Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you

Now that my gushing is complete, thank you for presenting me with a new problem; on which blog shall I comment first?

I have a problem that needs a solution and I call on those of you at Joe User with nothing but time on your hands and a complete and utter drive to drag me out of the gutter to come back with a little style.

In my confinement I was fixed, neutered, castrated even. After one of my offending blogs was removed I was left with a negative point standing. (-12,000 if you care) I am currently at negative10,841. I want out of the hole.

My challenge to you is to waste your time in my little world. Make this comeback article monumental. I don't want to be the number one blogger but a positive point standing will be cool.

Can you do it?

Can you give me 10,000 points?

I know you can, but will you?

I will grant my first returning comment to the blogger here at Joe User who responds the most. Quantity counts, quality, eeeh not so much.

edit: Many have said that this is a bit distateful. I do not intend to be an ass, so commenting has been disabled.

Thanks to all that continued to read me while confined.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 20, 2005
Looking forward to your comments!
on Oct 20, 2005
Uh oh...don't start something that will be taken the wrong way John. I suggest you hunker down, start reading and responding to every blog in sight! That will get your points up! Just my thoughts. Anyway, seems I'm first on your blog so I guess this will be...what...3 points? or 5? I have no idea! But do go read and respond to other blogs.
on Oct 20, 2005
here's 5 to help you get started....
on Oct 20, 2005

seems I'm first on your blog

Nyah, Nyah, Nyah!  Beat you by a click.

on Oct 20, 2005
This reeks of point whoring again.
on Oct 20, 2005
This reeks of point whoring again.

You are quite right. My quest is different. I seek to be nothing more than 0.

I want to be nothing.
on Oct 20, 2005
Uh oh...don't start something that will be taken the wrong way John.

I though about that in detail. Then I realized they would have to punish half the bloggers here at one point or another.
on Oct 20, 2005
*Insert BakerStreet-esque comment about caring about points and rankings here*

PS - Congrats on getting off restriction.
on Oct 20, 2005
congrats john, now all ya have to do is write a super article that gets featured and you are on your way.
on Oct 20, 2005
Reply By: Texas Wahine

on Oct 20, 2005
now all ya have to do is write a super article that gets featured and you are on your way

This is that article. I need you to make it go to the top. (and I have been featured once beforeLink woohoo for me)

on Oct 20, 2005
This is that article.

No, this is not that article. Think of it this way, John. Here at JoeUser, we offer our blogs like products for sale. If people like to buy them, we make money. Good advertising can pay off if its a good product, but otherwise it's just annoying to everybody else. Here, you're saying "I'm in debt, so give me money for no reason so I can not be in debt." If that worked, the world would be a different place entirely.

Which is not to say that people aren't willing to help. I'm more than happy to chip in five points. But I'd rather you put energy into making a good blog where I'm happy to spend my time (and points) over and over again. So instead of begging for charity, earn your way back. You'll have my support, and I suspect that I don't speak only for myself.

on Oct 20, 2005

Reply By: Dan Kaschel

Dan is right.  But your inside view of La is gold!  Write a bang up one on that, and I am sure it will be featured.

Or LW and I can do a Jane Curtain/Dan Akroyd deal on your blog.

on Oct 20, 2005
Reply By: Dan Kaschel

Interesting concept and consider your wisdom taken to heart.

This is a joke! Or in the very least it is meant to be a silly way to give my first comment back to the person who likes me most.

So instead of begging for charity, earn your way back. You'll have my support, and I suspect that I don't speak only for myself.

I doubt you actually read me with any regularity. I have 63 articles under my belt; some of them are pure fluff, some are meant to be inflammatory. The big thing is that in a year I haven't done that much. Most of what I have written has been while I was confined. I am just not that motivated usually to put my own stuff out there. Sorry if you find that disappointing.
on Oct 20, 2005
*Sigh*..... Why ya' gotta' do this? You just got off confinement, and this is the first article you post?  You do remember why you lost all those points, right?  Point whoring is never appreciated.  Plenty of people have been warned or had articles removed from the forums that consisted of basically a plea for points. Points should be earned because of the interest in the article, not because you asked people to give you points. I will hope that you do the right thing.
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