or... the turd that keeps floating to the top
Published on November 4, 2005 By just john In Current Events
He he is again folks. He is leading a campain to bring people back to New Orleans.

Having viewed the Katrina chaos, Jackson says he was incensed that the Bush administration was awarding no-bid contracts to its cronies while New Orleans residents were frozen out.

His response was not on the scale expected of world leaders, He decided to bus evacuees back home from other cities across the country and find them jobs and housing. He announced that he was bringing 200 citizens back where they belonged.

When he arrived, he did indeed have 200 souls in tow, but it was soon apparent that New Orleans residents had been frozen out once again. Of the 14 aboard who were from here, only three found jobs. Others, complaining they had been left to fend for themselves, were among the 150 riders who promptly went back to where Jackson had picked them up.

It was, in the context of a major disaster, little more than a gesture. Jackson's organization did manage to place 42 people with a clean-up firm, but that was no great trick. The firm had hoped Jackson's caravan would provide 200 New Orleans residents for immediate employment.

No home, no job, and a cespool all around. Sure Jesse, bring 'your people' (disclaimer: I say this mearly because he presents himself as some sort of modern day prophet) back to New Orleans. Next time, do them a favor and plan a little better.

on Nov 04, 2005

I am a complete outsider of what goes on in the united states. I am a coloured German living in Cyprus. I left Germany because there is this racial discrimination, too. But it happens very refined. One actually can live with it. Nevertheless I chose Cyprus.

Although my father is supposed to be an American, I have not dared or tried to visit the united states. I know, it is a place like any other, but I am afraid, that a past of which I only know from books, may suddenly focus on me as its main object.

That JJ is getting into action for these victims, I as a German, can understand this. I wonder what is so special about it, though? After all he is a priest or something like that - and yes, black. But aren't there as well organisations of the civil society at work? Even there where you live, America, must be such an organisational structure, which will care in the first place for the human lifes to be safed before looking at colour or wealth? Isn't such around?

My questions may sound naive to you, hope you do not mind.

how about the prospect that America after Russia, East-Germany, Iraq and so forth will be rocked by the wave of poverness and its disobedience? This idea struck me lately. I thought, the USA may have its civil uprising soon. I am not there. I do not know how clear this wave can already be seen in the horizon. Can you, please, supply some opinion on this? Is the United States undergoing a revoltion or uprising - soon?

Will the rift amongst the many cultures living there not any longer be kept artificially and with pressure together?
on Nov 04, 2005

I thought, the USA may have its civil uprising soon. I am not there.

No,they had it 140 years ago.

on Nov 04, 2005
The reason that so many laborers were "bussed" into New Orleans is 2 reasons.  One the Skilled ones, there were just not enough in New Orleans.  And the non-skilled ones?  New Orelans residents thought it beneath them for the pay offered.
on Nov 04, 2005
Can you, please, supply some opinion on this? Is the United States undergoing a revolution or uprising - soon?

It's not likely. These sorts of feelings seem to be cyclical. Soon enough apathy will set in and this noise will stop until the next great cause comes along.

That JJ is getting into action for these victims, I as a German, can understand this. I wonder what is so special about it, though?

This guy is more of a TV/movie star type than a true activist. He will stick his face in the spotlight try and grab another fifteen minutes of fame and then retreat to his comfy lifestyle. If he really cared he would be opening his bank account not his mouth.
on Nov 04, 2005
New Orelans residents thought it beneath them for the pay offered.

Thinks to self...

No home, no job, no problem. I have had some pretty crappy jobs before. I once scraped dirt off of a 3 mile stretch of street with a shovel for minimum wage to make ends meet. As long as my health and safety was taken care of, I'd go down there and clean up if I had to.

Fortunately, my street scraping days only provided me with the motivation to do more with my life.
on Nov 04, 2005
I heard a shitload of em were illegal immigrants, too.

Well, if he had checked for green cards, his buddies over at the ACLU would have been up his ass.