Published on November 16, 2005 By just john In Blogging
I kinda like it here at JU. I am not willing to learn HTML so the ability to blog and comment without having to do all of that is a good fit for me. I also like the fact that here one can be exposed to a wide varitey of topics and views. This sort of interaction is what keeps me coming back. Even if the site wasn't free I would still feel that way.

You bother me because you interrupt the flow. How am I supposed to find the good content while sifting through your crap. You know it is crap when you hit post and you continue to do it laughing about it while calling it a problem. It is a pathetic cry for attention.

You don't like being called a turd. Stop acting like one.

on Nov 16, 2005
Seems many are angry with some people.
on Nov 16, 2005
many and some ... how specific of you
on Nov 16, 2005

many and some ... how specific of you

Ok, let me be precise.  There is a great underlying feeling of a general populace that something must be done about the situation.  The unnamed sources are up in arms about the allegations of the anonymous officials that we have been lied to by those not to be named.

Clear enough?

How are things down there BTW?

on Nov 16, 2005
Clear? Mud is coming to mind right now for some reason
on Nov 17, 2005
Clear enough?

I get that totaly.

We are well. Except, We have one of the worst Govenors in America according to Time Magazine.
on Nov 17, 2005

We are well. Except, We have one of the worst Govenors in America according to Time Magazine.

Well, last year, they said we did.  What a difference an election makes, eh?