just john's Articles In Blog Communities
May 4, 2005 by just john
The shameless attempts at promotion are rampant here at JU. I guess I am slightly guilty of that myself. Chances are if you are reading this you were only hoping to "bump" one of your friends in the ranks. I am not sure why numbers become so important. I have been around the internet's ability to offer instant, free exchange of thoughts for a long time now. I was a hard core VP user. I was drawn in by the people, after all people are my favorite hobby. I like to observe, interact and even ...
May 24, 2005 by just john
I am all for the free exchange of thought, but please let it be intelligent thought. Recently we have had a rash of new brain dead users come on. I am somewhat new to JU. I probably have less points than most of the idiots in question. Why? Because I write about things that actually exist in the real world, not in the tiny minds of babbling psychopaths. If we all pretend they don't exist, do you think they will go away? I don't write a lot, but I do read and sometimes comment. Is it to...
January 18, 2006 by just john
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