just john's Articles » Page 5
September 15, 2005 by just john
I saw an interview last night from the doctor who treated most of the patients at this nursing home. They had to weigh moving these people or keeping them there. Statistically, they loose 2-3 patients in each of these moves. I can only imaging how it would feel to know that a family member was removed and later died only to find out the storm missed them by miles. I'm not saying they made the right decision, but they did have to make a choice. From all the news I have gathered, these are ...
September 13, 2005 by just john
Link Bush is taking responsibility. Isn't that what you lefties want? I forgot ... you want someone to pin the blame on regardless of who was really at fault. There were many breakdowns in the system. I don't really think that FEMA and DHS should be so intertwined that neither can act autonomously. There are places where each would be better suited to lead, given their specific roles. But what is the real issue here? Is it that Bush had the courage to admit that this was not a pe...
September 13, 2005 by just john
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September 12, 2005 by just john
Sorry for the hijack Mod ... I'm still confined, but I thought I had a little to add. What is really the difference between being a victim or a survivor? It has nothing to do with the initial trauma. They are both victim to the tragedy. I think the term takes on another meaning when you apply it to how you handle the situation. Case in point: Friday morning, 9:00am a coworker gets a call. Her house is on fire and it is fully involved. She was very upset and crying uncontrollably. Her ...
September 12, 2005 by just john
I live in Louisiana as some of you know. I have always held a bit of distain for the government here because politics here are still a bit more accustomed to the good ole boy network. In the time I have been here I have seen some very dirty things take place. I have seen the son of a local sheriff more or less walk away from an investigation into the execution style murder of three people at a convenience store. I lived right around the corner from this store and bought quite a bit from t...
September 9, 2005 by just john
I have always lived my life knowing that sometimes laughter is the only medicine. However, this is a tender subject. Many who are critical of Bush will find truth in this photo and the others, I hope, find the humor in this. Link If that offended you... 1. I didn't make it 2. I warned you
September 9, 2005 by just john
I swear I'll be good and never abuse the points system again. I requested amnesty. I know I took it too far. I wont do it again. please?
September 9, 2005 by just john
I am so disgusted with all of the information coming out about how Governor Blanco handled this situation. I am also sick of hearing that Mike Brown should resign now. If he has to resign, she should have to resign and personally apologies to everyone who lost someone to this storm. I don't hold her accountable for the possessions of these people. I hold her accountable for the lives she swore to protect. She is the highest official in the state and is claiming ignorance. If you get pulle...
September 8, 2005 by just john
Link Just in case you still think he's dead.
September 5, 2005 by just john
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 2, 2005 by just john
Kanye West can say all he wants but I live in Louisiana and this is still a very racially divided state. We have segregated communities and its no secret. We have a population of people who were around back in the day and their sentiment hasn't died. I am not racist. I believe in equality for everyone as motivated as me white, black or purple. However, if you choose to be lazy and pump out kids so you get more assistance ... well ... you are beneath me and race doesn't play a part in that...
September 2, 2005 by just john
Are you stupid? I'll say it again. The reason New orleans is flooded isn't bcause of a levee break. It is because of the over engineering of the Mississippi river.
September 2, 2005 by just john
It has been posed that rebuilding the City of New Orleans is not a good idea. The fact that New Orleans is flooded has nothing to do with a broken levee. New Orleans is flooded because of many years of coastal erosion. We do not have the natural land barriers that were in place even 50 years ago. The Mississippi river has been rerouted and the natural sand and silt is not being deposited where it should be. The plant life on the floor of the barrier islands and marsh lands is also in very ...
September 1, 2005 by just john
If you want to help but want to make a difference for some of the people who might not be receiving assistance. I hope everyone who receives this is doing well. As I watch the coverage of the devestation caused by Hurricane Katrina, I've decided to start a campaign that can make an immediate impact on the lives of those most effected. Our Foundation has already helped familes by covering hotel costs for those who could not afford it. These families have small children and will greatl...
September 1, 2005 by just john
You have no clue if you think repairing or strengthening the levees would work. Louisiana has a very delicate coastal system that plays a major part in the ability of the levees to work. The reason the levees are failing is because of the levees themselves. They do not allow the coastal wetlands to receive the proper amount of sediment deposits. I assure you, while FEMA might not have been a part of it, there has been constant work done to reclaim these wetlands from the Gulf. Lear...